

Border Security Force Career Information

How would you like to be known as the defender of Indian borders? Would you like a job that combines shielding the country from threats both external and internal? If you are interested in becoming India's first line of defence then come be a part of the Border Security Force.

After completing your graduation in any stream, you can apply to the BSF through an all India based competitive examination for the post of Assistant Commandant-BSF. Men and women in the age group of 19-23 years who have completed their graduation in any stream are eligible for this examination.

Written Test It consists of two papers: Paper I of 200 marks is a test of general awareness, basic intelligence, reasoning and numerical ability.

Paper II of 100 marks is an assessment of ability to read and understand serious discursive prose and also the ability to express ideas clearly and correctly. This comprises essay (in Hindi or English), precise writing and comprehension of a given passage, (in English only).

Physical Test This second stage is for those who clear the written test. It's called Physical Efficiency Test (PET). This test consists of: 100 metres sprint (to be completed in 16 seconds by men and 18 seconds by women) 800 metres run (to be completed in 3 min by men and 4 min by women) Long jump and high jump Shot-put (for men only)

Personal Interview This is the last step where in you have to appear for a personal interview where your psyche will also be assessed along with your general intelligence, general awareness and other attributes. Preference in selection is given to outstanding sports men & NCC (National Cadet Corps) cadets who have a good record.

The final merit list is prepared after a detailed medical examination. The following are the minimum required physical standards:

Height -165 cms. (Men) and 157 cms. (Women) Chest 86 cms. with expansion Weight 50 kgs. (Men) and 46 kgs. (Women) Physical /mental health should be good. Knock-knees, flat foot and squint in eyes are not permitted. Perfect colour vision/corrected vision: J-I/J-II

Engineering and Medial professionals can also enter the Technical and Medical wings at the level of Assistant Commandant through the same procedure.

The pay scales of different ranks in the Border Security Force are as follows:

Rank Pay Scales:

Assistant Commandant Rs.8000-13500 Deputy Commandant Rs.10000-15200 Second-in-Command Rs.12000-16500 Commandant Rs.14300-18300 Additional Deputy Inspector General Rs.14300-18300 Deputy Inspector General Rs.16400-20000 Inspector General Rs.18400-22400 Additional Director General Rs.22400-24500 Director General Rs.26000/-

In addition to this Border Security Force officers enjoy a number of allowances and extra facilities such as dearness allowances, group insurance schemes, leave benefit and travel concessions, furnished accommodation, soft loans, free ration, medical care, etc.

Is Border Security Force the right career for you?