School of Architecture and Planning
MSc in Planning
Full Time CourseIt is a 2-year master’s degree program in science. This postgraduate program is eligible for those who hold a bachelor’s degree in science subjects like chemistry, zoology, botany, physics etc.
Course Information
Selection based on:Merit
Admission Process
Students who wish to obtain admission should apply in the prescribed form, which can be obtained from the college office against payment. Application forms may also be downloaded from the website.
Completed applications will marks duly entered and attested should be handed over in person to the college office and a registration receipt could be obtained.
Students residing outside the city may send the completed application by post duly affixing Rs. 6/- postage stamp on each card attached to the application for sending the registration receipt.
The last date for receipt of application from the U G Courses is the 10th day after the publication of the Higher Secondary School examination results of Government of Tamil Nadu and for the PG. Course the 10th day after the publication of B.A/B.Sc./B.Com results of the University of Madras.
An Applicant provisionally selected for admission will be called for an interview with the Principal. The parent or guardian should be present at the time of interview. A call for the interview does not necessarily ensure admission. At the time of interview the candidate should produce all the relevant certificates in original as mentioned in the interview card.
Selected students are advised to keep with them sufficient number of true copies of their original certificates. The original certificates will not be returned to them before the completion of their course of study.
Foreign students should provide a regular, long term student visa issued by respective Indian Embassy.
All admissions provisional and are subject to the approval of the University of Madras. Every Selected student should follow the code of conduct, prescribed by the college and the Government.