Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies
Post Graduate Diploma in Management
Full Time CourseCourse Information
Graduate from a Statutory University with 50% marks and 3 years work experience.
Selection beased on Entrance Exam.
Admission Process
Selection Process
The Selection process is divided into two stages.
Stage I:
Will apply for all students who submit their completed application forms with the requisite documents within the time specified by the Institute.
Stage I Maximum Marks
Written test (WT) 140
Past Academic performance (PAR) 15
Work experience (WE) 15
Total for stage I 170
Written Test Score (WT)
The Institute, basis of the percentile provided by the student, will assign a score out of 140 using a statistical normalization process. In case, the student has given multiple test percentiles, the highest will be considered. Students should note that percentile and percentage are not the same.
Past academic record (PAR)
The marks assigned for past academic record include marks for percentage obtained in Class 10, Class 12, Graduation and Post Graduation (if applicable). In case a student is appearing for Graduation or Post Graduation, the percentage column will be blank. Students must not enter an aggregate of previous years
Documents to be enclosed along with completed application for academic results are: Attested copy of Mark sheet of Class 10, 12, Graduation, Post Graduation (whichever applicable) Attested copy of Graduation and Post Graduation Certificate. Applications not having the above documents will not be given marks for Past Academic Record. Maximum Marks in this section is 15.
Work Experience (WE)
In Stage I, Marks assigned for work experience is on the basis of duration of work experience only. Only full-time work experience, after completing graduation will be considered.
Documents to be enclosed along with completed application for persons with work experience are: Experience letter or a combination of Appointment letter and latest salary slip for the current organization working Experience letter or a combination of Appointment and Relieving letter for all previous jobs mentioned. The maximum marks in this parameter is 15. In the absence of the above documents marks will not be given for the work experience claimed by the student.
ANY false claim / fake documents being submitted will be automatically disqualified from the Selection Process and no appeal will be entertained in this regard.
The total score of 170 in Stage I will then be used to shortlist students for Stage II of the Selection process. Therefore ALL applicants will not be called for Stage II. Students should note that being called for Stage II is dependant on 3 parameters as mentioned above and not only on the Written Test Score. Hence a specific percentile cut-off for being invited to Stage II does not apply.
Stage I of selection process will be the same for the students applied for PGDM / PGDM e-Business / PGDM Business Design / PGDM Retail Management.
Stage II:
Stage II Maximum Marks
Group discussion (GD) 50
Personal interview 100
Extra curricular activities (EA) 10
Essay questions (EQ) 20
Psychometric & Creativity test (PT) 50
Total for stage II 230
Only Students short listed from Stage I will go through Stage II.
Stage II comprises of the following parameters.
Stage II comprising of the above evaluation parameters will be conducted at the choice of GD/PI Centers provided by the Institute.
All applicants going through Stage II will go through all the parameters mentioned above. The interview would also be used as a mechanism to judge such other design competencies as observation, empathy, creativity, spotting opportunities, visualization among other aspects.
The Extracurricular activities and Essay Questions will be reviewed in the Personal Interviews; hence students are advised to respond to them appropriately. Your response to the questions in the Application Form will play a significant role in your interviews.
Personal Interview is aimed at evaluating the students from an overall perspective, and suitability and capability to pursue a management program. It is also aimed at judging the interest and aptitude of the students with reference to the programs indicated in the Preference section.
The Psychometric and Creativity test is a computer based test aimed at identifying your personality traits.
The final selection of the students is based on the overall performance on 400 marks.
Students will be offered admission to a program basis of their preference AND their suitability / fit with a program identified on the basis of their performance in the entire process.
The Selection Process comprises of the following:
Parameters Max.Marks
Stage 1
Written test 140
Academic performance 15
Work experience 15
Total for stage 1 170
Stage 2 (only students short listed from Stage I will progress to Stage II)
Extra curricular activities 10
Essay questions 20
Group discussion 50
Personal interview 100
Psychometric test & Creativity test 50
Total for stage 2 230
Grand Total 400
Selection criterion is subject to revision.