Rabindra Path Bhaban Technical Education Private ITI
Teachers Training and Engineering profession are prestigious and noble profession in the society. Today the said professions offers opportunities for involvement in a wide variety of its sub-disciplines. Both the professions touches almost every aspect of our lives and gives ample opportunities to make significant contribution for the betterment of the society now a days R.N.Ghosh Educational society have become synonymous with the progress of any country.
Dedicated to the purpose of maintaining and promoting the status of engineering & teachers training professions. The Rabindra Path Bhaban college comes into being to imbibe the characteristics which are fundamental to the successful pursuit of Engineering, Management & teaching career. Rabindra Path Bhaban college run and managed by R.N Ghosh Education Society is a society which was registered under the West Bengal society Registration Act of 1961 on 8/11/2004.
The Rabindra Path Bhaban College is affiliated to KSOU (INDIA) which is approved recognized by the Ministry of HRD Govt. of India. The Rabindra Path Bhaban college of Engineering and Teachers Training is also affiliated to IME (INDIA), approved by AICTE and Recognized by the Ministry of HRD Govt. of India is affiliated also by Karnataka State Open University, are approved by UGC,DEC,UGC-DEC-AICTE joint committee & Recognized by Ministry of HRD Govt. of India.Besides Rabindra path bhaban is also imparting STVT courses like Craft Teachers Training ,Computer Teachers Training, Computer Application, Dtp, F.A, Site Supervisor(civil). Approved by WB SCTE and Draughtsman civil Approved by NCVT. Govt of India. And providing professional education to the young persons.
The professional in engineering and teaching Management, IT activities associated with Organization/Institutions/Industries involve in promoting the two professions that have a great opportunity to fulfill their aspiration to improve their qualification vis-as-vis their stand in their respective profession.
Source: http://rabindrapathabhaban.info