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How can I finance my education abroad?

Heer Sethi
created: 22nd Mar 2017 Last Modified: 27th Mar 2017
Conversations: 1

1 Comment

YoungBuzz Career Counsellor
created: 22nd Mar 2017 Last Modified: 22nd Mar 2017

Foreign education is an expensive affair. Your budget should have overheads like the tuition fee and living expenses, insurance, books and study materials and clothing to name a few. Most of the students fund themselves or have their relatives to sponsor them. But if you are looking for

financial help, start early, and be willing to spend time and effort to learn more about the financial aid scene for international students, resources available and familiarise yourself with procedures to access the aid available. One must remember that financial aid for international students at the undergraduate level is quite rare but graduate students have significantly more opportunities. While the universities and colleges offer financial aid to international students in the form of awards, teaching and research assistantships and tuition waivers, there are other agencies and institutions that offer financial help. This could be in the form of loans, loan scholarships or gift scholarships. Some institutions allow students to borrow up to the full cost of education, including tuition, fees, and room and board with a creditworthy citizen as co-signers which the students may take up to 20 years to repay the loan. Many prestigious Indian institutions also offer grants and aid to deserving Indian students. The trick is to start early, as the aid available is both limited and competitive.