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I am a BCA final year student. I am very interested in pursuing my Masters degree in New Zealand. Though my parents can finance my studies, I would like to take an education loan. Can I work part-time and fund my studies?

Jeet Pandya
created: 22nd Mar 2017 Last Modified: 27th Mar 2017
Conversations: 1

1 Comment

YoungBuzz Career Counsellor
created: 22nd Mar 2017 Last Modified: 27th Mar 2017

Most universities and colleges in New Zealand do not give financial aid to international students. Hence you have to show sufficient funds to support your tuition fees as well as living expenses. As a full time student, you will be allowed to work for not more then 20 hours a week and the remuneration you get from a part-time job will be pocket money and insufficient to pay your expenses. In most cases, availability of sufficient funds is the deciding factor in the issuance of the student visa. So, it is very important to show good financial backing at the visa office. There are many banks and other financial institutions that offer loans to students going abroad to study. Some of these may not even require you to repay until the time you have graduated and are employed.