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I want to know what is technical writing. I have done BA in English. How can I get a job?

Karampudi Pillay
created: 22nd Mar 2017 Last Modified: 27th Mar 2017
Conversations: 1

1 Comment

YoungBuzz Career Counsellor
created: 22nd Mar 2017 Last Modified: 22nd Mar 2017

Technical writing is about making complex technical theories, facts, figures and descriptions simple for lay people to understand by using and writing in general English and other languages. In other words, it is about converting technical language to common day-to-day language. Technical writing serves as the primary communication line between technology and its users, and between scientists and the users of scientific information. A technical writer writes documentation and manuals to give instructions to users of a particular technical product on how to install and use it and what to do when faced with common problems during usage. He writes documentary instructions for computer software products, user manuals for audio systems, user manuals for industrial products, help guides for web sites, user manuals for automobiles, user manual for mobile phones, user guides for video games and such similar writings for other products of a technical nature.

A technical writer needs a very strong ability to write in English and other languages (but mainly English). Excellent analytical and logical reasoning skills coupled with strong visual communication abilities are other pre-requisites. Good verbal communication is also necessary as the technical writer has to interact appropriately with the product development, manufacturing and marketing teams in the company he works for or writes about.

Graduates or post graduates in English are generally preferred by software development companies. But you will need good understanding of computer languages and various software packages. First, you need to do a complete computer course and then gain 2-3 years of experience in software development. Thereafter you can apply for a job. A course in technical writing will be an advantage. Online courses in Technical writing can be done from http://cybered.umassd.edu, http://writingschool.com, http://www.onlineworkshops.com/web/ and http://techwriting.miningco.com/careers/techwriting/