

in which course i can earn much higher in salary

Jimm Emerson
: 14th Jun 2017 : 15th Jun 2017
: 1


YoungBuzz Career Counsellor
: 15th Jun 2017 : 15th Jun 2017

Hi Jimm,

All careers give you salaries. You will earn maximum in careers where your interest lie and in areas that you are most most passionate about.

It is important to note that there is no such thing as a right or wrong career, but rather you must find out what is the career where your interest lies.

The best way to start is to take a detailed career counselling session with an expert career counsellor. This involves a Career Assessment Test that measures your Aptitudes, Interest and Personality and then based on your results we recommend the top 3-4 careers that you are best suited towards.

For further details check out our Career Packages. https://www.youngbuzz.com/career-packages

Do let us know if we can help with anything else.