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When should I apply to the colleges abroad and how should I go about the application process?

Preeti Seth
created: 22nd Mar 2017 Last Modified: 27th Mar 2017
Conversations: 1

1 Comment

YoungBuzz Career Counsellor
created: 22nd Mar 2017 Last Modified: 27th Mar 2017

Ideally you should start the application process at least 12 - 16 months prior to the college enrollment date and at least 4-6 months before the application deadline of the colleges. A lot of time is required to fulfil the college requirements. You could start by comparing your study destinations, the degrees offered, degree validity, the college requirements of each country and of course, the cost. Once you have decided the country you would like to go to for further education, you need to prepare a list of colleges and universities that offer the course of your choice. Request them for the application packet and other relevant information. While the application packet is on its way, prepare and register for the examinations required by the college/university. Simultaneously, work on the compilation of the documents such as financial statements, grade transcripts, academic certificates and marksheets to name a few. Work on the essay writing, as its a time-consuming activity. Arrange for recommendations from teachers / employers. Getting all the documents organised helps in meeting the deadlines. Most of the colleges in the USA have their deadlines averaging around January-February for the Fall semester and October for the Spring semester. Australian colleges have two intake dates i.e February and July. You could start your application process to colleges in Australia at least 4-6 months prior to the enrolment date.